Claypot cuisine
In the Asian cuisine, claypot dishes are pretty common and definitely popular with various food items. May it be rice, vegetables or meat dishes, claypot cooking is a method thoroughly enjoyed by many.
What's the secret of claypot cooking? Is it the aesthetic and presentation of the food in claypot, or some actual science behind this cooking method?
Pots made of clay are porous, hence the heat retention during cooking process is more thorough. Heat is able to be distributed evenly through the porosity of the pot to give the food more even and wholesome cooking.
Claypots are also known to be alkaline. This helps bring some sweetness from acidic food items by neutralising the pH. That is probably why people tend to find claypot dishes a little tastier.
Would you choose to cook in a claypot? If yes, what are your food choices to go into the claypot?
What's the secret of claypot cooking? Is it the aesthetic and presentation of the food in claypot, or some actual science behind this cooking method?
Pots made of clay are porous, hence the heat retention during cooking process is more thorough. Heat is able to be distributed evenly through the porosity of the pot to give the food more even and wholesome cooking.
Claypots are also known to be alkaline. This helps bring some sweetness from acidic food items by neutralising the pH. That is probably why people tend to find claypot dishes a little tastier.
Would you choose to cook in a claypot? If yes, what are your food choices to go into the claypot?
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